Kanaani Resthouse
No matter if you are an individual traveler, a family or a group. Our large, inviting and selfcontained family-sized guestrooms in the quiet and beautiful surrounding of the Usambara Mountains are waiting for you. We offer a huge variety of European (German) and local (Tanzanian) food. Come, visit and try us out, we will be happy to serve you! We appreciate if you do booking in advance: give us a call or send an email. So we can make sure that that there are rooms available as well as to ensure everything will be arranged for you.
The Usambara Mountains are truly hiker`s heaven with all the natural beauty imaginable to see and welcoming people to meet. The Usambaras are unique and also often called the Albs or Switzerland of Africa. Lushoto District famous for its fruits and vegetables.
As you arrive by bus from Dar Es Salaam or Arusha/Moshi (6-7 hrs) or Tanga (4-5 hrs) at the local bus terminal in Lushoto town, you can take a Taxi bringing you to "Kanaani". If the driver asks for direction tell him "Kialilo kwa Mmole". If you contact us in advance, we can arrange to pick you from the bus terminal.
Our room rates depend on occupation and always include a truly generous breakfast buffet. We offer accommodation with breakfast buffet starting from USD 25 for single occupation in a selfcontained room leading down to USD 15 USD for four-people-occupation selfcontained. Lunch and dinner buffet are USD 5 per person each.